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Food as Medicine

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” -Hippocrates

Food has been a dear passion of mine since my early 20s. As I was learning how to heal my body through nutritious and wholesome eating, I started learning what our human bodies are capable of. As I was eating healthier, my mind started to clear up and my being was finding more balance. Meditation, yoga, sun gazing, and studying became a part of my daily practices. Once I found awareness in healing my body and eating better, I started noticing how there's a link between spirituality, intention, and feeling good, that is, if you start working on one angle of health, the rest will also tend to shift. As a result, I became a raw vegan for 3 years and healed substantially. During that time, I also created a business doing raw food catering, teaching workshops, hosting potlucks, and creating this video with producer Cliff Hokanson. I also had the pleasure of catering for Woody Harrelson on one of his movie sets.


To this day, nutrition plays a big part of my life with my family, it is truly a creative passion. Every time I prepare foods, the intention and ingredients inspire me as to how they can heal and nourish my family. I've enjoyed and have studied many different styles along the years, such as macrobiotic, Ayurvedic, raw, vegan, whole foods, Weston Price, wild foraging, and many more. I believe that as we go through seasons and cycles, so do our beings, that there are many ways to approach our diets with flexibility and, most of all, have them be in tune with our bodies and what it needs to be nourished and whole. 

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